Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Its Been A Long Summer

Heylo you beautiful strangers.
Its been a good couple of months since you have last heard from me but forgive me for I have much to tell.
First and fullmost since we last met my summer had just started. Well, let me tell you, it only got more interesting from there. I spent a very good day up Olde London Towne with a few friends at Gay Pride! And I can honestly say it was one of the most intriguing days of my life. Never had I seen so much...why I suppose you could say flamboyancy. Of course you can only say if it is in actualy fact a real word which I'm not too sure of at the moment.
It's nice to see a bit of pride in this world. To see people flaunt what thirty years ago would have been deemed 'sinful' and even illegal really made me feel glad that there so many people who are feeling un-ashamed of what has always been, to them, (and rightly so) thier human rights...
...Oh, and over three thousand gay men singing a drag queens rendition of Lady Gaga's 'Bad Romance' and ABBA's 'Dancing Queen' ain't half a laugh.
Maybe Grant and Myself got too much into the spirit. My girlfriend understand I'm sure.
Then, my beautiful strangers, I flew off to sunny Croatia-land in search of sun, sea and alchohol. The first of this two weeks was spent in the company of the strangest of the strange. The almighty Inebriate...This Guy:

Dave Harrild. And his drinking partner, Father Hayes himself:

This was an alcohol fuelled first week, I tell you. With drinking heavily one night, vowing to take it easier the next evening, only to break said vow and continue the pattern. Until eventually, by the end of the first week, we looked like this:
(We've no idea who the italian guy is) Then Dave and the rest of the Harrilds unfortunatley left our presence. But then my sister and her delightful (used loosley) boyfriend joined us in the second week of Croatia-Land.
And this helped our second week to be a lot more tamer than the first, only drinking half of what was drunk the first...which was still too much to some people...I suppose.

Lastly at the end of this summer I went to the almighty Reading Music Festival where I spent four whole days with my friends, drinking and listening to good goddamn music. Quite literally started on a good note with Alkaline Trio and ended on a good note with Blink 182. However, I did, unfortunately, lose my camera. But I have been going through the dregs of other people's pictures and found this pretty spectacular. One which I hope sums up the weekend for those Reading hopefuls.
All in all Summer of 2010 was a pretty darn good summer.

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Summer, Summer, Summer Time

Goodness gracious me hasn't this wheather been exceptional. Today I spent the day with my friends Grant and Rosie and it was a day of banter swapping and basking in the sun, cheering my up greatly after a slightly chilly exchange of words with someone. Grant and Myself even partook in slugging a few cold ones.

Whilst spending the day in Greenwich Park, the three of us layed out in the sun and listened to a variety of music on Grant's sophisticated looking phone, including Brand New and The Smiths. What a way to past the time. Grant and myself were, of course, on great form, keeping the banter running smoothly.

Here is hoping the rest of my summer goes just as smoothly.
I shall see you all soon my sweet strangers. Until then, as Ron Burgundy said, 'You stay classy Sandiego'

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Am I Waking Up At All Today?

Why am i being forced to do a final two and a half weeks of college? I have finished my AS Exams, let me enjoy the freedom I have earned because of revision and coursework. Is this little amount of heaven just too much too ask for?

But, talking about this, I'm finding it very daunting how much growing up I must do now in the next three months. In two and a half of those months I turn 18, an extremely daunting age with which brings A2 Exams but hopefully many a messy evenings with good friends, girlfriend and booze.
However not only does this bring exams and eccentric evenings, this brings me one step closer to my want of a university career. It's verily, verily scary to think how the efforts I put into my work this year dedicated a very large chunk to a criminology degree...or a managment placement in Mcdonalds. However I have a whole year to wait for these daunting results. Who could have thought the letters 'A,B,C,D,E,U' could be so life changing?
But let me enjoy the summer so far. First, Croatia, with a very modern looking hotel, a stones throw away from an authentic Croation town. And then what else, my little cherubs, but Reading festival. Have you SEEN the line up this year? Alkaline Trio, The Libertines, Against Me!, Blink 182! The list of immensenessness goes on and on. This will be my first festival experience and I am very sure that it will not be at all dissapointing.

Anyway, the former thought just came to mind but I decided to extend on this. Isn't brain storming fun :-D. I shall see you shortly. Until then, as Simon Pegg and Nick Frost once said: 'What do you want from the shop?' 'Cornetto!'

Justin Bieber


Well...Aren't You Just A Bit Pathetic!

Whilst checking the goings ons of the day on the BBC News homepage, an article on a teenage stabbing caught my eye. It seems that, a year previous, a 18 year old man called a then 15 year old boy a 'pussy'. As a reaction to this, the 15 year old calmly approached the 18 year old, and calmly stabed him in the upper chest.

Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe my parents forgot to raise me with certain values. BUT, I fail to understand WHY you would take another persons life for the mere reason of name calling. Honestly, the insult 'pussy' is such an easily ignorable, patheticly laughable insult that ANYONE should be able to shrug off thier shoulders and forget, concluding in getting on with thier lives. Is it a matter of pride, of not losing face, or peer pressure, that kids today feel the need to do these unspeakable things?

What has happened to our generation, that they feel the need to join gangs or make friends that influence or encourage knife and gun crime, who carry weapons on a daily basis, who feel the need to defend some miniscual amount of pride, achieved through violence, drugs, etc. If you know someone who carries a weapon around daily who knows someone who KNOWS someone, I would suggest you dis-connect yourself with both types of these people. Gain some amount of redemption. Remember the parents, the friends and the loved ones who are losing a life. The mother's who will mourn for the rest of thier lives becuase they lost a child.

These murders are the pathetic acts of pathetic people, pathetically encourged by thier pathetic friends.

PLEASE, if you know anyone who carries a weapon, report it to the police and disconnect yourself from that person or people, because by keeping it secret, any horrible events that are caused by those weapons will be party caused because you did nothing to help


Monday, 21 June 2010

'Well, What Do You Want To Do?' 'I Don't Know...Pub?'

Well, well, well strangers of the www. generation looks like it didn't take long too get back into my short lived wordy habit.
During my daily 2 mile travels from home to college, I met a delightful fella who goes by the name Lewis. Suffice to say that Lewis and I got along like a house on fire. And since then we have decided to start a modest punk rock band. We like to think that it was not mere coincidence that I happened to play guitar and he happened to play bass.

BUT my good strangers, do you know how much planning goes into playing in a band. None at all if I can be perfectly honest. However, the days in which we are both available have been a bit tricky. But being the two majestic beasts that we are, we have struggled through and gotten a few covers done, including brushing off the dust off of both instrument and instrumental skill and improving vastly. Yes, my sweet strangers, One can only hope that you will see Lewis and I cruisng the local music scene after the summer.

And the search for a drummer, might I add, was tiresome. Months of Facbook begging and asking others if they knew drummers. Person after person after person...but to no avail. FINALLY, inspiration struck my head, like lightining to a tree. My good friend Rachel is quite the accomplished musician and drummer. I asked her and, being the beauitful person that she is, she agreed.

But, you see, that is where we hit a tiny obstacle. I can not be the only person to believe that music in todays society has gone downhill, even since the 1990's, which was, quite frankly, an atrocious period for British music, what with your 'Boyzones' and 'Steps' of the decade. Whatever happened to the punk movement, or The Smiths, David Bowie, The Cure, too name but a few. What have they been replaced with today? Scouting for Girls and the like? We need a new uprising. Not the re-birth of an old movement, but the re-birth of good music. Where have the lyricists gone? The meaning? Pete Dogherty was our only hope but drugs screwed us over badly, ladies and gentleman. Oasis? A couple of arrogant idiots who don't know where they start and thier ego's end. No, my beautiful strangers, we need a re-vamp on the british music scene.

However, Lewis, Rachel and I will struggle through the shit being produced by Scouting for Girls, Paulo Nutini and Towers Of London. We hope to write something good, if not just listenenable, for all you beauitful www. generation.

Something that I can only aspire to produce one day. A song from Alkaline Trio's latest album. Enjoy and, as Eddie Izzard said 'I'm the Pope and here is your vespa.'

New hello's, old friends

Well deary, it has been a while since I updated this old gal hasn't it? Just been looking through the older posts and some of you will be happy to know that poetry phase has ended. A short lived passion that was indeed short lived.

Well, what has happened since that last summer. One is now a college student and has finished his latest exams for the academic year. However I find myself to be in the most strangest of predicaments. It seems that I now find myself sitting at home, bored out of my brains, because I no longer have coursework and revision to fill my time. What has the world come to that I, one of the least academic people I used to know, is now bored without an enjoyable, text book in my hands for light reading. Oh well, if anything this will improve ones chances of a much hoped for career in criminology.

Ah and I have seen, for the second time, the majestically immense Matt Skiba and his band of misfits 'Alkaline Trio' and I must say they never ever fail to impress me or put on incredible shows. They sung classics like 'We've Had Enough', 'Warbrain', and the ever amazing '97'. Too be quite honest with you people of this tiny planet we call Earth, I could not have asked for a better song list. And One was with close friends and his luvverly elder sister. And, frustrating and confusing to my girlfriend, Mr. Matt Skiba looked even more Godlike than he has ever done, with even a bit of stubble one might add. Oh yes people, it was Alkaline Trio at the best they have ever been...Oh did I mention that Derek, the drummer to those who are naive to the genious of Alkaline Trio, whacked out a lovley bass guitar and went on to play The Misfits classic 'Angelfuck', with Mr. Matt Skiba on drums. Well, needless to say that your blogger here was an extremely happy, punk rock fuelled bunny.
Well, you strangers of the www. generation, This has most certianly been an enjoyable rejuviantion into a short lived hobby that I must make more permanent. I shall be back soon with a wordy vengeance. Until then, as The Monty Python boys said, 'This parrot is dead!'