Whilst checking the goings ons of the day on the BBC News homepage, an article on a teenage stabbing caught my eye. It seems that, a year previous, a 18 year old man called a then 15 year old boy a 'pussy'. As a reaction to this, the 15 year old calmly approached the 18 year old, and calmly stabed him in the upper chest.
Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe my parents forgot to raise me with certain values. BUT, I fail to understand WHY you would take another persons life for the mere reason of name calling. Honestly, the insult 'pussy' is such an easily ignorable, patheticly laughable insult that ANYONE should be able to shrug off thier shoulders and forget, concluding in getting on with thier lives. Is it a matter of pride, of not losing face, or peer pressure, that kids today feel the need to do these unspeakable things?
What has happened to our generation, that they feel the need to join gangs or make friends that influence or encourage knife and gun crime, who carry weapons on a daily basis, who feel the need to defend some miniscual amount of pride, achieved through violence, drugs, etc. If you know someone who carries a weapon around daily who knows someone who KNOWS someone, I would suggest you dis-connect yourself with both types of these people. Gain some amount of redemption. Remember the parents, the friends and the loved ones who are losing a life. The mother's who will mourn for the rest of thier lives becuase they lost a child.
These murders are the pathetic acts of pathetic people, pathetically encourged by thier pathetic friends.
PLEASE, if you know anyone who carries a weapon, report it to the police and disconnect yourself from that person or people, because by keeping it secret, any horrible events that are caused by those weapons will be party caused because you did nothing to help