So Saturday was Ali's and My 15th Month Anniversary.

Please, no applause.
And I have been meaning to write something about her for a while. So here it is. I met Alison Jane Rapley the beginning of college in September 2009. And we barely talked. Like, ever. My brother was more her friend than I was. Now, before I go on you must know Ali and I are the complete opposite of one another. We like different music. She doesn't have the same interest in films as I have. We can have extremely different opinions. Too be honest with you my sweet strangers most of our respective friends and acquaintances probably weren't expecting anything to come of this. Even I was suprised at my attraction to her. Physcially she is, obviously in my eyes, hotter than the fires of hell. But I was surprised at the truth that was the cliche 'opposites attract'. I found myself ferociously and, shamefully, unsublty flirting with her. Suffice to say I was struck dumb. Much like this fella...

...So one day, as the fates would have it, I decided to tap in to my deviant, rebellious streak and skip a Media Studies lesson. A lesson I found complete and utter dross anyhow (how I achived that C grade is beyond me). Ali, myself and a couple other people decide to go on a nice little drive in Alison's car. Whilst on this little turn I find myself, whilst sitting in the back, catching Ali's beautiful blue eyes. Again, sweet strangers, my belly did a little flop (I'm not normally soppy so savour this moment). I turn to a friend and whisper: "I think I like Alison." My earlier fears of my lack of subtelty were confirmed, as my friend replies: "Well that much was obvious."
So there we are. In a small, black Ford. The Foo Fighter's are blasting out 'Monkey Wrench'. We come to a stop. The atmosphere builds. I subtly hint for the other two people in the car to kindly exit. I move to the front. By this point you could cut the tension with a knife. Luckily for me the most romantic song ever written was playing on the radio in the background...Eminem's 'Without Me'. It's go time. I turn to Ali and, ever failing you my beautiful readers, I ask her in the most awkward manner one could muster:
"So. Uh. I was wandering if, uh, you might. Like. To. Go Out. Sometime..."
It was like Jesse Eisenberg in 'Zombieland' minus the hair-brushing obsession. So there we go. It's out there. No turning back now. I wait. And I wait...and I WAIT. And...she says yes.
But just to add to the ridiculous-ness-ness that is me...I start to rap...yes...RAP...along to Eminem. Dear oh dear.
But that was that lad's and ladette's. 26th of November 2009 was the first day of a lovely experience of up's, down's, good times and bad times. But I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.
I can only sum up the last 15 months and 2 days with a quote from the great Mr Kipling: 'Exceedingly Good.'