Friday, 15 April 2011

Celebrity Skin

So I have been talking to my friend K_ about perfection, because she is someone who I don't think deserves to ever be down on herself about any aspect of her personality. I am going to tell you, my beautiful strangers, something that I realised on my own about four years ago.

I want to ask you: What is perfect person? What defines a perfect person? I have always said that to be a perfect person means to be imperfect. People are not perfect. People have their imperfections, their temptations and their negatives. Perfection is PIPE DREAM: a dream or asipiration that will never occur nor materalise because it is unobtainable.

If you are someone with good morals and values and you basically know what it is to be a good person, then realise this right now; YOU HAVE NOTHING TO CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF, FOR NO ONE. Honestly! Who do some people think they are, that they can make you feel that you are not good enough for them? Seriously, you should never...EVER...feel the need to change. Of course there are going to be aspects of yourself that may not be brilliant. Of course there are going to be reason's to hate on yourself. But that is human nature. That is who we are as people. But it does not make you an imperfect person. What people see as wierd or odd or out of sorts about you is just what gives you CHARACTER!

Please believe me, as a person who feels the same things as you and goes through the same shit, that you don't have to feel down on aspects of yourself because in the end it makes up what you are and it is that which makes you an individual.

If you know you are a good person and you have morals and values that makes you as such, then never ever feel crappy about yourself. You don't deserve it and you will never deserve it. You are who you are and in the end you should feel so happy about that.

Stay true to yourself. Stay true for yourself.


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