I mean, seriously, are those bloody lrycis for real?
'Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday,
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin)'
I mean COME ON:
a) Who told this girl who could sing?
b) Who even wrote those bloody lyrics? A five year old? But then again a five year could probabaly be a bit more creative than 'Gotta have my bowl, gotta have my cereal' or some shit like that! At this point in time I don't care if I've misquoted because it's a SHIT song.
This is, without a DOUBT, the worst Song I think I have EVER heard. EVER! She is like a female verison of Justin Bieber. But, Jesus Christ, even J.B himself aint that bad (though not far from).
On that note, I think I'm just going to go to the grave that is now music. Because if music can be a spirit, Rebecca Black is DEATH!
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