Friday, 18 March 2011

My Ears Are Insulted!

Has anyone else heard the ATROCITY that is 'Friday' by Rebecca Black? This song has actually made me die just that little bit more inside!

I mean, seriously, are those bloody lrycis for real?
'Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday,
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin)'

I mean COME ON:
a) Who told this girl who could sing?
b) Who even wrote those bloody lyrics? A five year old? But then again a five year could probabaly be a bit more creative than 'Gotta have my bowl, gotta have my cereal' or some shit like that! At this point in time I don't care if I've misquoted because it's a SHIT song.

This is, without a DOUBT, the worst Song I think I have EVER heard. EVER! She is like a female verison of Justin Bieber. But, Jesus Christ, even J.B himself aint that bad (though not far from).

On that note, I think I'm just going to go to the grave that is now music. Because if music can be a spirit, Rebecca Black is DEATH!

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