Wednesday, 30 March 2011

What Is So Bad About Being Good?

So an un-named friend of mine's nan died today. This women had altzhiemers and has been rough for a couple of weeks. Her husband is probably one of the most kindest, generous, selfless and genuine men I have ever had the pleasure to meet! Have any of you seen 'The Notebook'? For those who haven't it is about a man whose wife of about 40-some years has altzhiemers. But does he give up on her? Dose he 'lump' her on to some nurses and make her 'their problem'? NO! He fucking stays with her. Every fucking day. Pretending to be a reader. Reading her diary.
You can say this is a 'girly' film. That I'm not 'masculine' (whatever the fuck that means) for watching this film. But you know what? I don't give a fuck.

My friend's grandad was just like this fella in 'The Notebook'. He cared for her. Always tried to make her smile. Stroked her hair, fed her marshmellows 'coz she LOVES em, and all this other small stuf that COUNTS as us as being fucking HUMAN!!!!

This leads me on to my next point. So in the news today I found out that a gang war today resulted in a shooting. And this shooting was probably caused by the insult 'knob' being thrown at another person, therefore feeling the need to involve guns. A 35 year old shop owner and FIVE YEAR OLD GIRL were caught in the cross fire.

I'll just repeat that.


I'm not a violent person. I'm 18 and have never been in a fist fight except a few blows thrown between myself and my quaralling brother. I'm against the death penalty. If you ask me it's the highest form of hypocrisy. 'You can't take a life. That ain't your right. So we are going to take yours.' But, in all honesty, when it comes to kids aged 14-21, and older, who carry guns and shoot at eachother, not caring about those that it might inflict OUTSIDE their pathetic issues, I couldn't give two good goddamn fucks if they turned the guns on themselves! Honestly these egotistical, monstrous, selfish, imbecilic idiots who think they are so 'hard' that they carry around guns and knives and all other kinds of pathetic stuff need to realise that it isn't 'masculine' or 'butch' or 'manly' but PATHETIC! And THAT'S IT!

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